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How to maximize your time with God

By on March 8th, 2020
Posted in Articles
Spending time with God is the most important part of our lives. Reading the Word and praying is how we can know God. But how can we fight distraction, tiredness, or boredom?

Photo Recap: National Day of Prayer 2018

By on May 7th, 2018
Posted in Event Recap
A photo documentary of this year’s National Day of Prayer.

A weekend of non-stop worship in Washington, D.C.

By on October 17th, 2017
Posted in Event Recap
An estimated 30,000 people from all over the nation converged on the National Mall to give the Lord an offering of love and worship for 56 hours non-stop.

3 Tips to Successful Worship Leading

By on October 3rd, 2017
Posted in Articles
Whenever a worship team feels they have a bad set, it brings to question what is it that makes a time of worship good? Or another way of saying it, what makes it successful?

Five verses that prove God likes you

By on July 6th, 2017
Posted in Articles

Humanity didn’t deserve the Cross. We weren’t entitled to it. Nevertheless, God’s big plan was to redeem the world, to set the world right. As we think about salvation, sometimes we only think about that big picture. Our part may be small, but it is comforting to feel like even a small part of the big plan, as this earth barrels forward in its transition toward the end and beginning of all things.

But there is a deeper layer to the story, something much more specific. There is a passion in God’s heart, and it is for people. It is me. It is you. It may be difficult to imagine a personal Savior who cares about being close to you, but that is exactly why Jesus came to earth. Jesus loves you. Jesus likes you. It is the consistent, never-ending attitude of his heart. Here are five verses that prove it:

Genesis 1:31 – The Designer’s Finest Work

“Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day.” Gen. 1:31

Before you physically existed, you were a thought in God’s mind. He formulated you. He designed every detail of you. He loved you. In His words, the creation, your design was “very good.” When God Himself uses the word very, we should take it seriously!

Photo Recap: National Day of Prayer 2017

By on May 11th, 2017
Posted in Event Recap

On May 4th, 2017, hundreds gathered on the 22nd floor of the Florida State Capitol to join together from different influential aspects of society to honor God, humble themselves, and pray for God to intervene in America.

Left: Aubrey Breedlove and team from IHOPTLH lead the congregation in worship. Right: Members from Evangel Assembly join in worship.

A National Day

In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln appointed a day of national humiliation, fasting, and prayer. The following excerpts are from that proclamation:

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God.”

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