Why God Desires 24/7 Worship


We just recently finished 24 hours of non-stop worship this weekend at the missions base. It was incredible. Nine different worship teams from local churches and ministries ministered to the Lord Friday and Saturday as we offered Jesus a 24-hour offering of adoration.

I strongly believe that God desires 24/7 worship and prayer to be found all over the earth. In fact, His Word promises it:

“‘After this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, and I will set it up…”-Acts 15:16

In Rev. 4-5 we see a glimpse of what happens in Heaven. In the throne-room where God dwells, angels, creatures and elders sing incessantly, “holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty” forever.

Beyond the general affirmations of God’s desire to bring Heaven and earth together (Eph 1:10, Col 1:19, Matt 6:10, Luke 11:2-3), God makes it explicit that He desires earthly worship to mimic heavenly worship. In Exodus 24-25 God meets with Moses on Mount Sinai and commissions him to build a temple according to what he saw (Exodus 25:8-9). This as an earthly replica to a heavenly reality (I Chronicles 28:19).

Why 24/7 Worship?

24/7 worship and prayer simply cannot be understood apart from the purpose that stands as the ultimate end of everything in the Divine heart: the glory of God.  

The desire for Jesus’ indescribable glory to be seen must be the impetus upon which night and day prayer is founded and the main reason it continues each passing moment.  

  1. We seek to worship 24/7 because Jesus is worthy to be adored forever.
  2. We secondarily petition God to bring justice and make the wrong things right (Luke 18:7).

We, as believers, must focus our time, energy and finances (like king Cyrus) into building a place of 24/7 worship. This is not a new idea. For thousands of years God has found pockets of 24/7 worship.

Today, all across the earth, the Holy Spirit is impressing this reality onto thousands of individuals: Jesus’ unending glory warrants our unceasing praise.

Read the history of 24/7 worship and prayer here ›

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