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Showing posts tagged: Christian Lifestyle

Does God love you out of obligation?

By on November 20th, 2018
Posted in Articles
Is God mostly sad, mad, or disappointed? Or is He mostly happy with us? God’s love for you is unmatched. The Bible says He loves you as much as He loves Jesus.

Can you really be free from sin?

By on July 24th, 2018
Posted in Articles
To the hurting Christian struggling with sin, you can overcome. Jesus gives you the strength to reset and turn your life around.

Longing to Make an Impact

By on November 14th, 2017
Posted in Articles
Every human was created for dominion and has a deep God-given desire to make a lasting impact on the earth.

3 Tips to Successful Worship Leading

By on October 3rd, 2017
Posted in Articles
Whenever a worship team feels they have a bad set, it brings to question what is it that makes a time of worship good? Or another way of saying it, what makes it successful?

Five verses that prove God likes you

By on July 6th, 2017
Posted in Articles

Humanity didn’t deserve the Cross. We weren’t entitled to it. Nevertheless, God’s big plan was to redeem the world, to set the world right. As we think about salvation, sometimes we only think about that big picture. Our part may be small, but it is comforting to feel like even a small part of the big plan, as this earth barrels forward in its transition toward the end and beginning of all things.

But there is a deeper layer to the story, something much more specific. There is a passion in God’s heart, and it is for people. It is me. It is you. It may be difficult to imagine a personal Savior who cares about being close to you, but that is exactly why Jesus came to earth. Jesus loves you. Jesus likes you. It is the consistent, never-ending attitude of his heart. Here are five verses that prove it:

Genesis 1:31 – The Designer’s Finest Work

“Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day.” Gen. 1:31

Before you physically existed, you were a thought in God’s mind. He formulated you. He designed every detail of you. He loved you. In His words, the creation, your design was “very good.” When God Himself uses the word very, we should take it seriously!

Longing to Be Enjoyed

By on September 7th, 2016
Posted in Articles
“There are inescapable cravings in the core of every human heart that cannot be ignored, denied or pacified: they must be satisfied.”

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