What is the Highest Calling of the Church?

Awakening to the Revelation of Jesus


Throughout history, both in America and abroad, movements of prayer have released explosive spiritual awakening. From the early Church in the book of Acts to the Great Awakenings to the Jesus Movement in the 1970’s, God’s chief aim has been made known again and again: to reveal and glorify His Son Jesus.

These “Jesus movements” revolutionized millions of lives. Joy and deliverance flooded many hearts as they encountered this Man Jesus. Oppression and addiction fled, as multitudes became apprehended by an authentic relationship with Jesus and discovered the power of a higher affection. As loving Jesus (Mt. 22:37) became the anthem of these generations, sharing a Gospel-witness of His worth became the overflow of their lives.

Time and time again, the revelation of Jesus has sent spiritual shockwaves across America and throughout the earth. Millions of dollars have been spent trying to impact this emerging generation. But if a generation is perishing, surely it is not perishing for lack of novel methods and relevant presentation. We need something from heaven. We need a deep encounter with the Man Jesus.

The Highest Calling of the Church

Encountering Jesus is the highest calling of the Church. He is the Desire of All Nations (Hag. 2:7). He is only solution for the raging nations (Ps. 2:1-2). He is the only Hope for crisis in America.

Undoubtedly, there is no one like Jesus.

He turned the world upside down in three short years of ministry. His presence sparked the atmosphere of Heaven wherever He went. Revival or revolution followed immediately after. The religious hated Him. Sinners loved Him. His healing power, miracles, signs and wonders caught the attention of religious and political leaders. Whatever He did demanded a response. He amazed crowds (Mt. 9:33); stunned scholars (Lk. 2:46); brought dead men to life (Jn. 11:33-34).

The fame of Jesus’ name spread like wildfire across many regions and ever since then He has been divinely initiating movements of spiritual awakening throughout Church history, wherever He finds hearts that are hungry for more of Him. He forever will be our Savior, Great High Priest, Bridegroom, King and Judge.

Believing for Another Jesus Movement

In Christ Jesus, the prayer movement, missions movement, justice movement, healing signs and wonders movement are all one. Believers do not merely follow a movement, but a Man, Jesus. He is the object of our affection! We are to follow Him with our full allegiance (Mt. 22:37), lest the wells of love run dry and we are left with powerless, loveless ministries (Rev. 2:2-5).

Today, America desperately needs another Jesus movement that awakens hearts to love God, that sustains furnaces of prayer and worship, that releases justice and healing power that exalts Jesus, and empowers abandonment to take the Gospel to the hardest and darkest places on earth.

Awakening to the Revelation of Jesus

The identity of Jesus is the crucial subject in the generation of the Lord’s return. Just as Jesus asked Peter in Matthew 16, “Who do you say that I am?”, so it will be asked of the final generation (Mt. 24:34). In that moment, Peter shattered a torrent of confusion about Jesus’ identity, thundering forth: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!” There are pivotal lessons to be learned here. Jesus not only commended Peter’s response, but also the means by which he received it: “…flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.” (Mt. 16:13-19). Jesus went on to declare that the entirety of the Church is founded upon this rock—the revelation of Himself.

We cannot have another Jesus movement apart from awakening to the revelation of Jesus Christ.

Why is this issue so crucial in our day? Because individual or corporate devotion will never ascend beyond the knowledge of the Person to whom we are devoted. Where the vision of Jesus is dim and obscure, true adoration will be rare, radical obedience will seem pointless, and our fervent cries of intercession will be scarce. A victorious Church at the end of the age is a Church that cherishes Jesus more than any other treasure, even their own lives.

We desperately need a revelation of Jesus that produces faithful witnesses who prepare the way for Jesus’ return and anchors this generation to walk through the most glorious and terrible time of human history leading to the coming Day of the Lord.

Movements like these don’t spontaneously appear on their own; they must be contended for through faith-filled lifestyles of prayer, obedience and intentionally setting our hearts to be awakened by the Lord each and every day (Is. 50:4,5). Right now, prayer rooms are emerging across the earth contending for the thunderous witness of Jesus to fill the earth; the witness that comes not from “flesh and blood”, but is revealed from our Father in Heaven.

It is time we stop clinging to the scaffolding and venture into the building. It is time we pursue Jesus as He relentlessly pursues us. It is time we believe together for another Jesus movement to come to America and the nations in this hour!

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