
Filtered by: Sermon on the Mount

Honoring Marriage and Our Commitments
Teaching notes
Honoring Marriage and Our Commitments
Jesus taught His disciples on the importance of resisting the temptation to not keep our word and agreements (5:33-37). This teaching looks at the importance of keeping our commitments, especially our commitment to marriage.
Overcoming the Spirit of Anger
Overcoming the Spirit of Anger
Jesus taught that the spirit of murder operates on many levels and grows through many stages. We must not take anger lightly because it a like a spiritual cancer that continues to grow if not resisted. This teaching covers 4 principles for overcoming anger.
Kingdom Impact: Being Salt and Light
Teaching notes
Kingdom Impact: Being Salt and Light
Jesus used the metaphors of salt and light to describe the impact on society of God’s people who walk out the 8 Beatitudes (Mt. 5:13-16). Jesus sees the world as filled with moral decay and spiritual darkness. He describes believers as salt and light and unbelievers as the earth and world.
Living The Sermon on The Mount Lifestyle
Teaching notes
Living The Sermon on The Mount Lifestyle
This teaching covers the deeper meanings behind the 3 beatitudes: poor in spirit, those who mourn, and the meek. Learn what it means to walk in desperate longing for more of God’s working in your life.
Poverty of Spirit: the Foundational Beatitude
Teaching notes
Poverty of Spirit: the Foundational Beatitude
To be poor in spirit is to be aware that we are in great need of experiencing spiritual growth in our heart, ministry, church, and society. It is to see ourselves as spiritually poor instead of spiritually rich, in terms of our ability to experience and impart spiritual life without the Spirit.
Overview of the Sermon on the Mount
Teaching notes
Overview of the Sermon on the Mount
The Sermon on the Mount is the constitution of God’s kingdom. It is Jesus’ most comprehensive statement about a believer’s role in cooperating with the grace of God and is the “litmus test” to accurately measure our spiritual development and ministry impact.
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