Jesus is risen from the dead
The hope of eternal life is anchored in the truth of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. This teaching looks at the proof of the resurrection in the events between Jesus’ death and His ascension into heaven.
Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God
How appropriate, that at the time of year when the Passover was celebrated, Jesus would go to the Cross to give His life as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. From the beginning, this was God’s plan and purpose for all of mankind.
Grace for Fasting: Pursuing the Presence of God
How can the believer grow in their pursuit of God? Jesus’ command to fast is one practical way the believer’s hunger for God is increased.
Living Before God Our Father
Live sober and be holy. Peter encourages believers to live with our hearts and minds fully sober with the intention of walking in holiness before our Father.
The Transforming Power of Being Under God’s Grace
Romans 3-8 is the most complete presentation of the gospel of grace. Here, Paul gave us the primary principles necessary for our personal transformation. All who are in Christ receive a new position, new power, desires, insights and destiny in God.
The Glory and Benefits of Wholeheartedness
Paul prayed for believers to be inspired by the Spirit to respond to Jesus in a way worthy of Him—in wholeheartedness—and connected this with the ability to fulfill all of God’s will for our lives.